Who's JapanTrp?
JapanTrp is a tour arrangement service working under AMJ Innovative LLC.
Company info
Company name
AMJ Innovative LLC. / AMJイノベーティブ合同会社
Ota-ku, Denenchofu 2 - 39 - 5, Tokyo, Japan
〒145-0071 東京都大田区田園調布 2 - 39 - 5
Phone number: 080 - 9713 - 8564
Email: info@JapanTrp.com / amjinno@gmail.com
Head of operation
ALJABERIAHMED / アルジャビリ アハメド
Cancellation Policy
10 days before the arrival date: cancellation fee is 5% of the paid amount.
*in the case of paying for non-refundable items, such as tickets, hotels etc, it will be detected from the paid amount and it will be provided to the client.
10 days or less before the arrival date: cancellation fee is 100% of the paid amount.
Payment terms
Service delivery time
The order will be processed once the down-payment is completed, All bookings and tickets will be completed before the customer arrival date.
Payment Method
Credit・Debit card (via Stripe) & Bank Transfer only.
In most cases, 3 days from the invoice issuance.
Payment period
Product Price
Extra fees
The Total trip (package) price could change based on the customer requests